SCPI Commands for the Digital to Analog Converter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
points> command to enter the number of points in a segment. At the end of a
segment, the DAC output amplitude remains at the last segment value until you
initiate a new segment. You can initiate a new segment continuously, by the
repetition frequency, or by a trigger. Use the command TRIG:MODE SEG-
MENT to program segment generation.
Sequence. A programmed repetition of segments. The maximum number of
segments is 4096. At the end of a sequence, the DAC output amplitude remains
at the last sequence value until a new sequence is triggered. You use the
TRIG:MODE SEQ,<sequence length> command to define the number of
segments. You can initiate a new sequence either by a trigger, or continuously.
Waveform Period. The waveform period is defined as the number of points in the
waveform times the sample period.
If the waveform repetition mechanism is enabled, the repetition period must be
greater than or equal to the waveform period. Calculate the waveform period as
Sample Period * Number of Points
NOTE. The output trigger in the segment and sequence mode occurs just prior to
the start of the last sample and approximately 70 ns in width. The output trigger
in the sample mode occurs about 6 ms after the new sample is strobed and is 2
ms in width.
Command Response
OUTP:TRIG:SOUR SEGM Outputs a trigger from the DAC for each segment.
Query Response