Appendix G: Calibration
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Calibration for the Digital Input
This procedure shows you how to calibrate the Digital Input for the VX4101A
MultiPaqtInstrument. You must calibrate the instrument for both a 2.5 VDC
and 12 VDC threshold.
It is assumed the module has completed its power-on self test. For information
on specific commands or syntax, please review the Syntax and Commands
You must hook up the external source to Discrete Input 1 and program the
Digital Output excitation to other than external and make sure that Digital
Output 1 is programmed for an inactive (high) output.
You need the following equipment to calibrate the Digital Input:
H External voltage sources of 2.500$.001 VDC and 12.00$.001 VDC
1 Year
Before you begin the calibration procedure, you should understand the follow-
H The Digital Output instrument uses the same pins as the Digital Input, so
you must reset Digital Output 1 used by the Digital Input to ensure that it is
To prepare instrument for calibration, do the following:
1. Program the Digital Output excitation for other than external and program
Digital Output 1 inactive (high).
2. Connect the external voltage source to Digital Input 1.
3. Send the following command to select the Digital Input as the active
INSTrument:SELect DIGI
Equipment Required
Recommended Calibration
What You Should Know
Before You Begin