SCPI Commands for the Digital Output
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
The repeat frequency must be less than:
Sample Frequency x Number of Output Trace Points
<sample_rate> x <number_of_points>
TRACe:RPERiod <repeat_period>
Sets the repeat period of a trace pattern in seconds. The commands RFRequency
and RPERiod program the same parameter. The RPERiod command is the
reciprocal of the RFRequency command.
The repeat period must be greater than:
Sample Period * Number of Output Trace Points
TRACe:SRATe <sample_rate>
The sample (frequency) rate, in Hz, of a trace pattern. The sample rate times the
number of data points must be greater or equal to the repeat frequency.
NOTE. The VX4101A will round the TRACe:RFRequency, TRACe:RPER and
TRACe:SRATe values off to the nearest values supported by the VX4101A
hardware. The rates are rounded to 240000/n, where n is an integer. The period
is rounded to n/240000 where n is an integer. The queries for these commands
will return actual programmed values.
NOTE. The number of points multiplied by the sample period (or 1/sample rate)
must be less than 16 seconds. If the number of points is more than 16 seconds,
the instrument returns an error.
Query Response
<index>,{<numeric value>}
TRACe:INDice? <segment_index>, <sample_index> of output memory buffer.
You can also use RPERiod or RFRequency to create gaps
between segments. During a gap, the Digital Output continues
to output the final sample point, so this query will return the
most recent segment output and final sample point.
Query Response