Appendix A: Specifications
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
Table A–26: VXIBus TTLTRG Gate Input
Characteristic Description
TTLTRG Timing Synchronous with VXI backplane 10 MHz Asynchronous
TTLTRG Type Programmable: level, edge, pulse-on/pulse-off
Channel-B Counter Input Gate Polarity Programmable
Gate Type Programmable: level, edge
Edge Triggering Amplitude/Pulse Width
±5 mV minimum, ±200 V Maximum
2.86 ns minimum
Table A–27: Software Gate/Trigger
Characteristic Description
Software Gate Type Level
Software Gate Duration Time Range Command based: User defined
Timer based: 10 ns to 9 million seconds, 1 ns resolution
Table A–28: Gate Duration Modes
Characteristic Description
Gate Duration Time Range 2.86 ns minimum (Channel 2 Gate)
1000 seconds maximum
Gate Duration Indefinite Software command or hardware based
Gate Output At the conclusion of the measurement, defined time, or defined number or events.
Table A–29: Measurement Throughput
Characteristic Description
Throughput Rate 30 measurements/second for array measurements.
Single Shot Array Capture Rate As fast as 4 1/3 ms per measurement.
(6.5 ms for phase or duty cycle)
As fast as 4 1/3 ms for a 1000 measurement array
(6.5 ms for a phase or duty cycle 1000 measurement array)