SCPI Commands for the Counter
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
MAXimum = maximum
MINimum = minimum
PTPeak = maximum – minimum
These commands can or will modify the following:
function - set to AC, DC, MIN, MAX or PTP
autosetup mode - no effect
aperture/events mode - no effect
Command/Query Response/Description
MEAS2:ARR:NDUT? 1000,25 Takes 1000 negative duty cycle measurements with a trigger
point of 25% of the signal’s peak.
PDUTycycle? 100,50
Take 100 positive duty cycle measurements with a trigger point
of 50% of the signal’s peak.
MEASure1:PHASe? Take a phase measurement from channel 1 to channel 2.
MEAS1:TINT:DEL:EVEN? 100 Take a time interval with delay measurement from channel 1 to
the 100th edge on channel 2.
MEASure10:TOTalize? Totalize channel 1 and the 1 GHz VCO.
OUTPut Subsystem
The OUTPut subsystem specifies the output trigger source and division ratio.
OUTPut:TRIGger:SOURce <channel>,<count>
Parameter Value
<channel> 0
<count> 1.0
Parameter Value
<channel> 0-2 (note 0 = off)
<count> 1-9E15
Command Syntax
Query Syntax
*RST Value
Related Commands