SCPI Commands for the SurePatht Modules
VX4101A MultiPaq Instrument User Manual
[ROUTe:]CONFigure:DISJoin <module_name>
Disconnect the commons of all sections of a module.
[ROUTe:]CONFigure:JOIN <module name>, <section_list>
This command connects the commons of adjacent sections on scanner modules.
On VX4330 Modules, if a section that is configured as a 4-wire scanner is joined
to a section that is configured as a 1-wire or 2-wire scanner, only the lower half
of the 4-wire scan common is connected. If a 4-wire section is joined to another
4-wire section, both halves of the 4-wire scan common are joined. Also for the
VX4330, if two or more sections that are set to scan mode are joined, when a
[ROUTe:]CLOSe command closes a relay in one of these sections, all relays in
the sections are opened before the specified relay is closed.
List of the model numbers of the modules controlled by the SurePathtMaster.
The first model number returned is that of the module that the Scanner Master is
installed on. Subsequent model numbers are those of modules in consecutive
slots to the right of the first module.
[ROUTe:]MODule[:DEFine] <module_name>, <nrf>
This command assigns a module name to a relay switching module. This name is
used to identify the module in channel lists in [ROUTe:]OPEN,
[ROUTe:]CLOSe, and [ROUTe:]SCAN commands.
This command will delete all module name definitions.
[ROUTe:]MODule:DELete[:NAME] <module_name>
This command deletes a module name definition. After this command is
executed, the specified module name is no longer associated with a relay
[ROUTe:]OPEN <channel list>
This command closes the relays specified in the <channel_list> portion of this
After these relays are opened, a delay specified in a previously issued
[ROUTe:]OPEN:DWELl command is generated. This command is used to
assign an open delay to each module controlled by an SurePathtMaster
daughter board. If more than one module is specified in the <channel_list>
argument of the [ROUTe:]OPEN command, the longest dwell time assigned to
any of the specified modules is used.