There are three UART Tx/Rx status registers including UTRSTAT0, UTRSTAT1 and UTRSTAT2 in the UART block.
Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
UTRSTAT0 0x50000010 R UART channel 0 Tx/Rx status register 0x6
UTRSTAT1 0x50004010 R UART channel 1 Tx/Rx status register 0x6
UTRSTAT2 0x50008010 R UART channel 2 Tx/Rx status register 0x6
UTRSTATn Bit Description Initial State
Transmitter empty [2] Set to 1 automatically when the transmit buffer register has
no valid data to transmit and the transmit shift register is
0 = Not empty
1 = Transmitter (transmit buffer & shifter register) empty
Transmit buffer empty [1] Set to 1 automatically when transmit buffer register is empty.
0 =The buffer register is not empty
1 = Empty
(In Non-FIFO mode, Interrupt or DMA is requested.
In FIFO mode, Interrupt or DMA is requested, when Tx
FIFO Trigger Level is set to 00 (Empty))
If the UART uses the FIFO, users should check Tx FIFO
Count bits and Tx FIFO Full bit in the UFSTAT register
instead of this bit.
Receive buffer data ready [0] Set to 1 automatically whenever receive buffer register
contains valid data, received over the RXDn port.
0 = Empty
1 = The buffer register has a received data
(In Non-FIFO mode, Interrupt or DMA is requested)
If the UART uses the FIFO, users should check Rx FIFO
Count bits and Rx FIFO Full bit in the UFSTAT register
instead of this bit.