Addresses in ARM920T
Three distinct types of address exist in an ARM920T system:
• virtual address (VA)
• modified virtual address (MVA)
• physical address (PA).
Below is an example of the address manipulation when the ARM9TDMI requests an instruction.
1) The VA of the instruction (IVA) is issued by the ARM9TDMI.
2) This is translated by the ProcID to the instruction MVA (IMVA). It is the IMVA that the instruction cache and
MMU see.
3) If the protection check carried out by the IMMU on the IMVA does not abort and the IMVA tag is in the
instruction cache the instruction data is returned to the ARM9TDMI.
4) If the instruction cache misses (the IMVA tag is not in the instruction cache) then the IMMU performs a
translation to produce the instruction PA (IPA). This address is given to the AMBA bus interface to perform an
external access
Table 2-4. Address Types in ARM920
Domain Domain Caches & TLBs AMBA bus
Address Virtual Modified Virtual Physical