Samsung S3C2410A Microphone User Manual

In ARM state, all instructions are conditionally executed according to the state of the CPSR condition codes and the
instruction's condition field. This field (bits 31:28) determines the circumstances under which an instruction is to be
executed. If the state of the C, N, Z and V flags fulfils the conditions encoded by the field, the instruction is
executed, otherwise it is ignored.
There are sixteen possible conditions, each represented by a two-character suffix that can be appended to the
instruction's mnemonic. For example, a Branch (B in assembly language) becomes BEQ for "Branch if Equal", which
means the Branch will only be taken if the Z flag is set.
In practice, fifteen different conditions may be used: these are listed in Table 3-2. The sixteenth (1111) is reserved,
and must not be used.
In the absence of a suffix, the condition field of most instructions is set to "Always" (suffix AL). This means the
instruction will always be executed regardless of the CPSR condition codes.
Table 3-2. Condition Code Summary
Code Suffix Flags Meaning
0000 EQ Z set equal
0001 NE Z clear not equal
0010 CS C set unsigned higher or same
0011 CC C clear unsigned lower
0100 MI N set negative
0101 PL N clear positive or zero
0110 VS V set overflow
0111 VC V clear no overflow
1000 HI C set and Z clear unsigned higher
1001 LS C clear or Z set unsigned lower or same
1010 GE N equals V greater or equal
1011 LT N not equal to V less than
1100 GT Z clear AND (N equals V) greater than
1101 LE Z set OR (N not equal to V) less than or equal
1110 AL (ignored) always